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Autistic Burnout - 30 Mins CPD, attend live

Autistic Burnout is this weeks topic. - no fee to attend

If you would like to join us live for 30 minutes, please use the Zoom link that you recieve in the newsletter. If you didnt already recieve it you can sign up and the ‘welcome’ email will contain the meeting details so that you can join us on Zoom live.

Following on from last wee, this week Eoin stephens and I talk about autistic burnout. The state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress (with or without additional acute stress) and lack of resources.

It is characterised by extreme fatigue, loss of skills and abilities, increased difficulty in regulating emotions (or very flat affect), heightened sensitivity to stimuli, social withdrawal (not a bad thing when theres all this happening) and a diminished ability to cope with everyday life.

We don’t know where this conversation will go, because we just get talking about it on the day. The focus is on being autistic people ourselves, and being therapists that work with neurodivergent clients. SO it is likely that we will include ways to think about recovery and possibly some insights into mitigating the risk of suffering burnouts. (over the long term) . Feel free to join us live as we talk through this phenomena that is so important for people to understand.

18 October

Therapy clients Approaching the Workplace for Reasonable Adjustments

1 November

Autistic Burnout - RECOVERY